Tuesday, August 19, 2008

submission 1 - equus

The four models I have designed all replicate the very reflective and patient charateristic nature of the listener. I have tried to link my character with sound and the dependence he has on voice. The tower in each design has a very subtle presence but plays a major importance to the listener. Directly above the sleeping area of the listener (wall or roof) is situated the tower where the mirror is placed upon. Here, he is able to reflect the thoughts of others and take time to calm his complex mind down.

This model very much demonstrates the loving and caring nature of the listener. A vary patient and wise man who puts all other humans needs and desires before his own. This is represented in the model through the spatial and open nature of the rooms. Wide opening on the sides create a vista through the rooms making the house seem welcoming and inviting for the human to enter. This house is essentially a house for client to share with others and is not fundamentally for him.

Similarly to model 1, the listeners open nature is revealed in this dwelling but through sound instead. Sound is a major part of the listener’s life as he believes he must listen to others and their problems before his own. The link between the listener and sound is highlighted through the large glazing situated at the top of the walls which allows for all exterior sounds to be taken in by the dwelling. Also, it is demonstrated through the large open plan living spaces inside. This encourages sound to pass through and out of the dwelling.


This digital model represents how important calmness and silence is in his life. Devoting his time to always listening to others, he depends on isolation for survival. The condensed and rather small living space is linked with a narrow passageway which leads to the tower underground. The intensely reflective client uses the underground unit for self independence and peace, something he finds hard to come across in his day.

The listener has a very complex and unstable mental state due to the high interest and physical determination he offers in listening to others. This, intern, results in the listener living a rather uncontrolled life. The digital model represents a very enclosed and isolated environment with scattered wall partitions representing the complexity of the listeners mind. The roof structure allows for a slit of light to enter the dwelling highlighting how he looks for that escape from the complications in his life.

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